Diet To Improve The Nails And Hair

Is there a diet to improve the nails and hair?

Changes in diet may be fundamental to these aspects of our personal beauty. But of doing anything too dramatic here, should be consulted a clinician or a nutritionist.

For example, to beautify the hair and nails the best is eating protein-rich foods. Eggs may be basal stone of our new diet, but it should be avoided if you suffer from high cholesterol.
Another very healthy element that contains the egg (more precisely the egg yolk) is biotin. Also present in the beans of soya and black rice, biotin is essential for the synthesis and degradation of fats and degradation of certain amino acids.

If we incorporate the egg to our diet abundant way, we must bear in mind that the raw egg white contains a protein called avidina which prevents the absorption of biotin in the intestine. Then, eat always boiled egg.

Skin vitamins

Vitamins A and E help in the process of cell renewal and promote the production of collagen, the structural support of the skin. In his capacity as antioxidants, they neutralize free radicals, molecules responsible for the breakdown of cells above to aging and disease. Insufficient amounts of vitamin A threaten the body losing its reserves of vitamin C, a largely depends on the other.

Vitamin C helps the body fight infections as well as build and maintain collagen and elastin, to strengthen the skin and capillaries. When the production of collagen reduces skin it yields.
As fibres of elastina will stretching, the skin loses its elasticity. Our vitamin C needs increase with age and the consumption of caffeine, alcohol and tobacco, substances these to reduce continuously the levels of vitamin C in our body.
Also we incorporate into our meals diet rich in vitamin B. This vitamin is found e.g. in bananas, grapes, watermelon, strawberries, chicken, sweetpotato, liver, yeast wheat and wheat germ, and some vegetables (mushrooms, cauliflower, chaucha).

A complement to this effect may be the plant aloe vera, which is rich in calcium, potassium, sodium, manganese, zinc, copper and chromium, as well as vitamins B1, B2, NIACINAMIDE and B6, all crucial to our health.

Like pineapple, aloe vera contains enzymes that promote rapid decay of cells in the surface of the skin.
More tips for a healthy diet for skin

Rich in sulphur and Silicon meals are also welcome. The onion, broccoli, fish and seafood are members of this group. When not, is essential to drink generous amounts of water and natural juices to ensure proper hydration.

If we usually eat breakfast cereal (and if not, is a good time to start doing it), add flax seeds. Flax is a natural source of fatty acids, which are metabolized by the biotin are therefore perfectly controlled. natural aggregate tros to our daily diet include grains, nuts and seeds of all kinds.

Various herbal tea varieties are also welcome, as for example the alfalfa or dandelion. A change that has very few contraindications to our diet is to ensure balance with 50% of fruits and vegetables.

Other conduct desirable to care for the skin, beyond diet, are protect from cold temperatures or apply moisturizers as refined avocado oil and wheat germ oil.

Regarding hair, you can use various combinations of vitamins and minerals especially made for improving the capillary health. Usually find these products on sale in business of integrated food and nutrition centres.

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