Stretch marks (Estrias) are scars that occur when there is tear the skin elastic grid, i.e. the membrane in the dermis, in charge of guaranteeing the elasticity of the skin.
Therefore the Groove occurs resulting in healing of skin elastin fibre grids. This delicate membrane (as he was said previously is located in the dermis) is damaged easily when the skin suffers some trauma (friction, strains) or forced to tighten it and restrict excessive speed to adapt to body dimensions that isn't accustomed. This occurs, for example, during the intensive growth that occurs during adolescence and pregnancy. In the latter case the elastic grid of the skin is exposed to an immediate and excessive tension.
Stretch marks that appear on the chest are usually due to skin this very sensitive area is obliged to assign not only in the moments the mammary gland increases volume and there is an overweight, as occurs in adolescence, pregnancy and breastfeeding, but also to carry out activities with movement. It should take into account the breasts are fragile because they have no muscles and are composed of fat and glandular tissue only supported on the pectoral.
Stretch marks, those reddish or whitish markings that appear on the skin, are a very common problem among women. There are different types according to the causes that caused them. These causes can help prevent that once they have appeared, removing them is a very difficult task.
Because they appear?
Stretch marks arise as a result of stretching and excessive recoil of the skin which causes a break in the tissues. They appear in areas of the body where the skin is more fragile as the breast, buttocks, thighs and pregnancy in the womb.
They have the appearance of a scar and its colour varies depending on the stage of development they are. The most recent ones have a pinkish derived to the target with the passage of time.
Before stretch marks to appear it is usual to feel pain and burning. At an early stage are reddish and with little relief, slowly take a violet are lengthening and widening. In the last phase of healing, they sink and become white.
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